Flux Smart Allocator

Optimize Your Inventory for Maximum ROI

Take control of your inventory like never before. Allocate products optimally across locations to maximize efficiency and profitability. 

Dashboard Flux Analytics
Smart Allocation Algorithms
Our AI-driven technology ensures the best use of available stock.
Flexible Optimization Strategies
Choose strategies that fit your business goals, be it speed or cost-effectiveness.
Rich Visualization Tools
Understand your operations immediately with our sophisticated visualization features.
Maximize Efficiency

Optimize your stock levels across multiple locations, reducing holding and shipping costs.

  • Leverage data to make informed decisions
  • Cut down on wasteful overstocking

Transform Your Inventory Management with Ease

Increase Flexibility

Adapt quickly to market changes with our dynamic allocation features.

  • Modify allocation strategies on the fly
  • React quickly to demand fluctuations
Enhance Profitability

With our smart algorithms, we allocate products to maximize potential revenue.

  • Prioritize high-margin products
  • Analyze the revenue impact of allocations

From strategy to smart predictions

Seamless integration with existing systems

High ROI and lower TCO

Capable of handling multi-data sources

High analytics adoption rate

Immediate business value

Customizable to unique business needs

Intelligent Features for Effective Product Allocation

Optimize inventory with features designed for data integration, strategic allocation, and real-time adjustments, all customized to role-specific needs.

Multi-Source Data Integration

Merge data from various sources for a comprehensive view. Our system integrates smoothly with your existing data pools, allowing a more holistic view of your supply chain.

Allocation Strategies

Choose from default or customized allocation plans. Apply rules that align with your specific business objectives for maximum effectiveness.

Cost & Revenue Analysis

Get insights into the financial aspects of your allocations. Understand the cost implications and revenue potential of every decision you make.

User Role Customization

Tailor the tool to show relevant information based on roles. Customize views for financial analysts, logistics managers, and more, focusing on what matters to each role.

Real-Time Updates

Make real-time adjustments to allocation strategies. Our system allows you to tweak your allocations in real-time to adapt to fast-changing market conditions.

Real-World Applications Across Industries


reduction in logistics costs


improvement in supply chain responsiveness

Revolutionizing Oil Distribution with Flux Smart Allocator

Our client, a significant oil and gas industry player, faced critical challenges in optimizing their distribution network. Inefficiencies in their logistics processes increased costs and reduced overall supply chain efficiency. Seeking to address these issues, they turned to Flux Smart Allocator, a custom decision engine analytics tool leveraging real-time data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).


improvement in resource distribution efficiency


reduction in stockouts

Transforming Electronics Supply Chain with Flux Smart Allocator

A leading electronics giant faced supply chain disruptions and inventory management challenges. Seeking a solution to enhance their supply chain operations, they implemented Flux Smart Allocator—a decision engine analytics tool utilizing real-time data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).


reduction in stockouts and overstocking


improvement in the optimal allocation of medical devices

Revolutionizing Global Supply Chain with Flux Smart Allocator

A leading medical device company faced challenges optimizing its global supply chain. Inefficient allocation of devices, stockouts, and overstocking impacted their ability to meet the dynamic needs of healthcare facilities worldwide. Seeking a solution to enhance supply chain operations, they implemented Flux Smart Allocator—a decision engine analytics tool utilizing real-time data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).


better management of peak shopping periods


reduction in operational costs

Optimizing E-Commerce Supply Chain with Flux Analytics

A renowned e-commerce giant struggled with challenges from a sprawling inventory and a complex supply chain. They turned to Flux Analytics' innovative allocation tools to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. These tools leveraged real-time data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) to transform inventory control and distribution processes.

Six Steps to Smarter Inventory Allocation


Data Integration

Merge all relevant data sources for a complete operational view. Our system integrates smoothly with existing databases, ensuring you have all the data you need.

Strategy Selection

Choose your allocation strategy based on your business objectives. Whether it's cost-efficiency or speed, select the strategy that aligns with your goals.

Algorithmic Analysis

Let our algorithms work their magic to find optimal allocation plans. Our advanced algorithms analyze various scenarios to suggest the best strategy.

Review & Adjust

Preview the suggested allocations and adjust if needed. Before finalizing, you can review and make any necessary tweaks.

Execute Plan

Implement the finalized allocation plan across your operations. Once approved, the system will execute the plan, reallocating products as needed.

Monitor & Optimize

Keep an eye on performance metrics and adjust as needed. Our dashboards allow you to monitor key performance indicators, enabling ongoing optimization.

Our clients knows the value we provide

"Adopting Action Console+ in our marketing agency streamlined our project management process like never before. The clear, actionable instructions and system interaction capabilities have elevated our team's efficiency and output quality

Sofia Garcia

Marketing Director

Flux Analytics' Real-Time Reporting Suite has provided our financial services firm with the clarity needed to navigate market volatility. The up-to-the-minute insights into operational metrics have been invaluable for our strategic decision-making

Michael Johnson

Chief Financial Officer

For a logistics company like ours, the Flux Smart Allocator has been instrumental in optimizing our inventory levels. The tailored optimization strategies have enhanced our operational efficiency, reducing costs and improving service levels

Raj Patel

Logistics Coordinator

Leveraging Flux GeoForecast in the agriculture sector allowed us to anticipate market shifts with unprecedented accuracy. The platform's insights into geographical demand have made our supply chain strategies more resilient and responsive

Emily Turner

Agribusiness Analyst

"The Action Console+ has revolutionized how our IT department manages tasks. The seamless integration with our existing tools, coupled with the ability to automate task management, has significantly reduced manual errors and increased productivity.

Simon Chen

IT Director

"The Real-Time Reporting Suite from Flux Analytics gave us the visibility we needed to make informed decisions quickly. It's not just data collection; it's about making that data work for us.

Dr. Anita Desai

Healthcare Administrator

"Implementing the Flux Smart Allocator was a game-changer for our automotive manufacturing operation. Its strategic allocation recommendations ensured we maximized efficiency across our global distribution network. We've seen remarkable improvements in cost savings and delivery times

Carlos Ramirez

Operations Manager

As a Supply Chain Director in the retail industry, utilizing Flux GeoForecast transformed our approach to inventory planning. The ability to integrate historical data with Flux's algorithms allowed us to create dynamic demand plans that significantly improved our supply chain efficiency. It's like having a crystal ball for market demands

Jessica Li

Supply Chain Director

Frequently Asked Questions

How easily can Flux Smart Allocator integrate with my existing systems?

Flux Smart Allocator is designed to seamlessly integrate various systems, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate efficiency gains.

Can the solution handle multiple data sources?

Absolutely. One of the key advantages of our solution is its ability to synchronize with multiple data sources, overcoming a common issue in many legacy systems.

How quickly can I see a return on investment?

Our clients typically report seeing a higher ROI faster than other solutions. The efficiency gains start to become evident almost immediately upon implementation.

What kind of support can I expect?

Our dedicated customer service team is available 24/7, 6 days a week, to address any concerns or questions, ensuring you get the most out of our solution.

How customizable is the optimization strategy?

Flux Smart Allocator has default optimization strategies but is fully configurable to meet your unique business needs.

Does it scale with my business?

Yes, our solution is built to grow with you, capable of handling increased loads as your business expands.

Allocate Precisely & Profit Strategically with Flux Smart Allocator

Leverage the full potential of your inventory with Flux Smart Allocator. Take the guesswork out of product allocation and respond intelligently to market dynamics. From real-time adjustments to role-specific customization, elevate your inventory strategy to a new level of sophistication.